Dokuganryū Masamune 独眼竜政宗 (1987)

Unsubtitled. Biographical mini-series about Date Masamune (1566-1636). As a child he fell ill with smallpox and lost his right eye. Aggressive and temperamental from an early age, he earned the nickname "One-Eyed Dragon" (dokuganryū). Watanabe stars as the adult Masamune. Sanada Hiroyuki has a small role as Matsudaira Tadateru.
Masamune and wife wearing an eboshi arguing with dad smile upset at mom smug pissed
cool surprised warrior cool sulky daughter and son-in-law masamune_12 argument
masamune_14 masamune_15 at odds pretty masamune_18 cold smile scared son
not impressed
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