Tadon to chikuwa たどんとちくわ (1998)

Unsubtitled. According to the DVD insert, tadon is sphere-shaped "solid fuel made from charcoal powder with glue" and chikuwa is "cylinder-like fish sausage, smooth and long." These details are of great significance in this film. The first, "tadon" half of the movie stars Yakusho Kōji as a misanthropic taxi driver. The second, "chikuwa" half of the movie stars Sanada Hiroyuki as misanthropic Writer Guy who seems to be having problems with his dick (impotence? castration? uncontrollable urge to masturbate with fish sausages? Your guess is as good as mine!) And then he goes nuts and kills everyone. The two halves of the movie converge for about 5 minutes, and then it's over.
dancing ordering disbelieving subway profile
smiling stabbing dancing and killing killing and laughing bloody
Trust me when I say that this smile is not a good sign. Smiling = precursor to insane and homicidal. Writer Guy dancing around after killing some people. What's with the colors, you wonder? Well, you see, the killing spree is presented like a hallucination, so when he stabs folks, they spurt brightly colored paint and their bodies disappear. But apparently they're really dead and stuff. Because we see flashes of bloody corpses, and then the cops show up -- except apparently they don't. Writer Guy stumbles from the restaurant soaked with blood and the old woman who was working the counter walks out with him carrying a knife, and then Writer Guy runs off until he meets the taxi driver and the customer the driver had held hostage all night at gunpoint, but the customer is now wearing the taxi driver's hat, and Writer Guy waves a knife around and asks to be taken to Tokyo, and the customer-turned-driver and his mistress who'd been waiting for him all night drive Writer Guy away, and he rolls about in the back seat and jacks off. The end.
(And if you thought I was joking about masturbating with the fish sausage, you were wrong.)
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